Sunday, August 26

Week 373 - 10 Dividend Achievers In Defensive Industries That Are Suitable For Long-term Dollar-cost Averaging

Situation: Which asset class do you favor? Stocks, bonds, real estate or commodities? On a risk-adjusted basis, none of those are likely to grow your savings faster than inflation over the near term. You might want to hold off making “risk-on” investments, unless you're a speculator, because markets are likely to fluctuate more than usual. If you think a “risk-off” approach is best, then you need to pick “defensive” stocks for monthly (or quarterly) investment of a fixed dollar amount (dollar-cost averaging). To minimize transaction costs, you’ll want to invest automatically in each stock through an online Dividend Re-Investment Plan (DRIP). 

Now you will be positioned to ride-out a Bear Market, knowing that you’re accumulating an unusually large amount of shares in those companies as their stocks fall in price. And, those prices won’t fall far enough to scare you because that group of stocks has an above-market dividend yield. So, you’ll stick with the program instead of selling out in a moment of panic.

Mission: Run our Standard Spreadsheet for high-quality stocks issued by companies in defensive industries, i.e., utilities, consumer staples, healthcare, and communication services.

Execution: see Table.

Administration: Companies that don’t have at least an A- S&P rating on their bonds and at least a B+/M rating on their stock are excluded, as are those that don’t have at least a 16-yr trading record suitable for quantitative analysis by using the BMW Method. Companies that aren’t large enough to be on the Barron’s 500 List are also excluded.

Bottom Line: We find that 10 companies meet our requirements. Companies in the Consumer Staples industry dominate the list: Hormel Foods (HRL), Costco Wholesale (COST), PepsiCo (PDP), Coca-Cola (KO), Procter & Gamble (PG), Walmart (WMT), and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM). As a group, these 10 companies have above-market dividend yields and dividend growth (see Columns G & H in the Table). Risk is below-market, as expressed by 5-Yr Beta and predicted loss in a Bear Market (see Columns I & M). 

Risk Rating: 4 for the group as a whole (where US Treasury Notes = 1, S&P 500 Index = 5, and gold bullion = 10).

Full Disclosure: I dollar-average into NEE, KO, JNJ, PG and WMT, and also own shares of HRL and COST.

"The 2 and 8 Club" (CR) 2018 Invest Tune All rights reserved.

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